5 Things To Note To Make Your Dating App Development Special

5 min readDec 27, 2022


Proposing with a rose and quotes will not be the reality of the future. Fishing matches digitally is the changing trend of today’s internet world. Online dating apps already started earning billions just by connecting zillions of souls.

Though there are thousands of dating apps available in the market, people always have a special perception of apps that makes their dating meaningful.

If you have a worthy dating app development idea but are afraid of the challenging market, this is the blog for you. This blog entirely deals with your idea to make it more special. And I’m going to make you feel worthy to develop the app amid tiding challenges.

Let’s dive in to learn the secret of developing a people-liking dating app.

Interesting Facts About Dating Apps

In the United States of America, dating apps are popular. Over 5000 dating apps are available across the world, and nearly half of them are developed and used in the US especially.

If we take a gender survey there, 20% of dating app users are male. Females using the app are 10% in the USA. Most of them are aged between 18–24 using dating apps. The last number is used between the ages of 65–75 followed by 55–64 age people.

If we take geographical statistics, urban living people use the app at most. 16% of the users are urban living. Whereas 9% of them fall into rural living.

According to the data provided by Statisticbrain, average users spend 243 USD a year to find partners using dating apps.

The market for dating apps is expected to grow 5.5% on average till 2030.

If you’re not going to believe the market volatility, this data provided is enough. You can bravely develop a dating app today and yield the best outcome for your business.

5 Things to Consider Before Developing the Dating App

Choose your audience

A dating app’s success entirely relies on an audience base. You need to choose who best suits your business.

Your audience may fall into a particular age group. Or you might focus on a certain region. It’s up to you. Make organized research before concluding.

Always remember that you should not put more restrictions on the audience base. At the same time, you should not let more audiences have the freedom to use the app. Both will bring a clash to your app maintenance and business growth.

Have a different concept

Your dating app should not sound similar to the already living app. It should be different in usage, UI and UX, commission, and features. This will make a remarkable effect on users using your app.

This peculiarity will escape you to stand out from the noise. Hence you’ll get a brilliant audience base to earn better in the industry.

Get the best technical team

There are thousands of mobile app development companies in your region. Getting their contact is easy but picking the best app development out of the box is the toughest.

Very few technical teams can render the app as you want. It may cost you more to develop an app for your desire. But in this digitized world, it’s easy to find the affordable best developer team.

Put in your efforts and find the one who suits your taste.

Monetize tactically

Your entire motto to develop a dating app is to earn. Listing partners for users may be secondary for you. But you need users to run the app successfully. To get more users, you should not explicit your desire for earning. This will make them turn their back.

You can bring more users to convert them into supporters. For that, let them use the app with basic features.

Offer craving features and services for a premium. This will boost the user count using the app. At the same time, it’ll charm them to make use of the listed premium services.

Do this to get a decent user base

In this competitive world, it’s not a piece of cake to make people use your product. There is a way to do that with less effort. Yeah! Believe!

  • Just make a competitor study.
  • Read their user reviews.
  • Implement the ideas in your app development project they left unturned.
  • Give room for ideas that users make as requests for a long.
  • Launch your app as you promised in the promotional activities.

Honestly, you will get a decent user base for your dating app in a short time if you followed what I conferred. But, seriously, they are not so easy to follow up to the fullest. Just give it a try. You’ll be paid back for what you invested.

5 Ideas to Build the Special Dating App

Get to the point

Users will be delighted if they get what they want instantly. The purpose of dating apps is to find a suitable dating partner. Allow users to get into it straight from their sign-up process.

For that, you have to equip an AI that can read users’ interests at a glance. By doing so, you can let users find the perfect partner just after entering the app.

This makes their process convenient in finding the best match for their profile.

Restrict hates

Users don’t like to use dating apps if they receive more hate than likes. To avoid that, minimize elements that incite hate in users. For example, in place of a dislike button, set something that causes goodwill in the environment.

Let users know that they are valued on the platform. Promise them a better reach by using your application. Build a dating platform where more hearts fly free in the sky.

Inclusive AR chat

Users who don’t want video calls can undertake this AR chatting. Using this, users can mask their own identity with animation. This helps users who are most concerned about privacy and data theft. This helps them to make use of the app without worrying about privacy.

Augmented reality is now being used to make the environment fun. This futuristic feature will bring more users to use your app which provides promising entertainment. It enriches the convo between two like-minded people too.

Open up feature

Open up feature is a blessing for those who like to appreciate the effort. To find a dating partner, this appreciation will greatly help a user. If they are interested in beginning a conversation, they can do that just by appreciating the profile page.

Telling someone “you’re looking beautiful” will boost their confidence. At the same time, they will reflect a positive vibe to you.

To get satisfied using the dating app, this feature will play a significant role to maintain healthy relationships.

Bestow freedom

Users expect things other than love in dating apps. They come just to converse with like-minded people. They install it just to know people. They create profiles for creating a good environment. And… etc.,

Other than dating, people need many things from using a dating app. It’s better if you offer freedom for users to use the app in a way they like. Freedom means providing features that are okay for every purpose.


It’s not going to be finding new partners using apps. Apps like Tinder, and Bumble are already doing this job best. What is good in this scenario is the opportunity! If you make use of it brilliantly, you’ll get the best result. Bear in mind that you have to be unique to attract users. Without uniqueness, you’ll be rated another clone.

