How To Prosper A Rich Business In The Airbnb Clone Platform?

6 min readDec 5, 2022


Airbnb is a giant in the online rental industry. They are the mile stoners who set a large trend in the travel platform. After the launch and rise of the Airbnb app, steadily it has met a large revolution among the people.

Airbnb allows people to have a stress-free journey during their travel time. Everything that needs for travel comes within this single app, it’s from booking a room to knowing their travel destinations.

But you may ponder, how these features get hold and how are these possible.

Any person can become an entrepreneur and can do anything for their business idea, you can make a product and get popular all over the world like Airbnb.

Brain Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Blecharczyk did the same in 2008. Airbnb does not get populated within a year. These three roommates have the need to rent their living to budget-friendly persons as a Bed and Breakfast initially.

Because of its huge response from the people, they procured many hosts and their rooms from various cities and connected those all in a single platform via the website and apps. Lately, it has emerged with various trends and technology and now it has highly formed a Giant in the rental industry.

Let’s apprehend the details to hold a rich property rental software.

How To Hold A Rich System In The Rental Platform?

Everyone’s goal is to achieve big things. Most of the success in the world is determined by money, how their revenue is?

You are also here to pick the details of this richest business in the rental platform. Yes, I’m extremely right.

Airbnb clone app richness is in the way they earn from consumers.

Firstly, know who your consumers are on this platform. And decide the strategies for earning money from them.


Guests are the primary consumers in your Airbnb clone app. These users will book rooms or spaces from the hosts which are available on the list. They could progress the search by using the filter features of location, calendar views, and amenities.

You can earn from guests a large amount by charging them a percentage of the serving fee.

Rather than charging commission fees, you can provide them with a plus or premium option to meet their demands.

For example, look at the Airbnb Plus program. This program furnishes the guests to access highly qualified rooms or homestays that got great reviews and attention. Elaborate your rental app with this feature by conducting the programs with hosts by verifying it with an in-person quality inspection to ensure the quality and design space of the room they provide.

This option will surely compel a wide range of guests to go with it. Execute this process by asking for additional fees that can be in a subscribed or optional manner.

This will gain you a high revenue through the co-operations of well-defined hosts.


Hosts are your secondary consumer. For every successful transaction that occurred from the guests’ bookings, you can earn a commission from them.

In the surge times, depending on the reservation queue in your app, you are able to charge them high pay for holding on-demanding listing pages in your app.

These commission structures would be excluded in the plus listing hosts; these charges and payments can vary.

And you can charge them high for unexpected cancellations caused by the host’s side. If the guest’s reservation has altered, your rental app could find some other alternatives or pay refunds for the user’s accommodation.

Other than this, you can earn from the in-app ads like the hosts who have the desire to show their location listings on the top displays will pay you some charge for it.

You can also earn through this feature of premium advertisements.

Guides Or Experience Providers

Guides are your customers, who are also connected with your app to serve the guests eventually. These people are usually specialists in that local area in which they share the history and events of those places.

Consumers have to pay some charge for the experience sharers. According to the amount of these payments, guides will pay for your app.

Experience providers are also reviewed by the guests, based on this also they will connect with the team of guests.

Hotel Connections

Improve your vacation rental script with the combining of top hotels too. Hotel chains also come under the category of hosts but this can be categorized separately and list their rooms separately on your rental app.

Along with this food, hotels are listed under the category of restaurants and the guests who are in need of food can order or get the food directly from those restaurants. These restaurant members will also pay for you in making their listings in your vacation rental app.

So, from the above, you can get detailed knowledge in gaining from the customer base of your rental app.

Let’s know how to build your online vacation rental app like Airbnb.

Focusing Points In Building Your Property Rental Software

Developing an Airbnb-like app is quite easy now, by using the instant Airbnb clone scripts.

But your mind may think, there are hundreds of Airbnb clones available in the market, how to choose the top?

You are right. It’s hard to pick a remarkable one that decides whether your business is worth being lucrative or not.

So, choose a reliable rental script to modernize yours soon like Trioangle’s Makent.

Let’s look at how your app is user-friendly and what points you need to concentrate more on developing. So, it will be wise for you to have an eye as a traveler.

In what ways will they give a rating to your app? Focusing starts from that, let’s see the necessary listings to do.

Quirky Design Elements

You are going to provide vacation rental software, users might not enjoy the fussiness while using the app. Let’s build your design elements with a high structure to seize the users at the first sight itself. A top notification button and elements will get easy admiration from the users.

Search Result Page

Provide the search result page with high navigation speed. An unsupportive or heavily loaded search result will consume time and can be ignored by the users. So, make your site well supportive of the highly qualified HD images and videos to keep the search page time soon.

Route Map Optimization

Progress your app specifically with a map service like Google or Apple. And prepare your software support with these functional algorithms. Integrations of other apps could take more structural work than creating an own feature with it.

So, be highlighted while building the map services with others and make your platform unique in the result pages.

Including algorithms for excellent location searching results with enabled views of other top locations like hotels, museums, or other event places.

Highly Admiring UI/ UX With High-Resolution Images

It’s important to impress your guests with the hosts’ images. Images and the UX will keep user retention with your rental app.

Build your app to support high-resolution images to manage the frictionless interface while users are on the page. Rental apps like Airbnb are majorly attracted by the users of how the features are listed and how easy to access them all. So, make your app designs with stunning UI and thus ensure to give a seamless user experience.

Secured Payment Gateway

Transactions between the hosts and the guests should be highly secured and monitored by the admin panel too. Because a highly guaranteed payment gateway only gives a secured platform hope to the users and boosts them to stick with the app for long durations.

Complete your rental app algorithm more strongly in the payment gateway module.

What Is In Trioangle’s Makent? Why Choose Us?

Trioangle’s Makent is a readymade Airbnb clone software that holds all the above traits mentioned. Makent is a 100% customizable vacation rental script.

As a business person, you might hold some unique strategies to make your rental app unique, and for that our experts are ready to manipulate all your business ideas. Makent has the ability to snack on everything with your rental app project.

Let you explore more interesting features with our Makent- a dynamic rental booking script.

